is a collaborative endeavour created by friends Deana Smart-Zegna, Vincent Zegna, and Ian Coles, born from their love of photography, their passion for travel and the desire to capture a particular moment in time. The site was built as a conduit and a gallery to exhibit their personal point of view shown within their photographic images.
Vincent is an Internet marketing consultant and project manager and in his spare time enjoys photographing the urban environment and cityscapes. However times and locations have changed though there is still a passion for capturing industrial landscapes, more frequently these days Vincent prefers the calm and peace of the countryside as well as the thundering roar of the ocean as inspiration for his photography as can be seen within the beautiful images he has introduced here.
Deana an Internet marketing manager, began her creative journey with photography whilst at secondary school in Essex. Her fascination turned into her primary hobby continued into adulthood and overseas to California and New York. These two cosmopolitan yet diverse cities are a photographers dream with so much material to grab one’s eye! Now living back in the U.K. Deana’s focus is to capture the life cycles and colours of the four seasons as well as spending many challenging hours watching and waiting in an effort to capture that perfect moment when one of nature’s beasts wanders across your path. ‘Whether it be a creepy crawly or a magnificent Lion, it is all a gift to behold and a great inspiration’.
Ian a financial consultant, has been enthralled with the art of photography since his teenage school years, “I remember being fascinated as I watch an image emerge on the paper in the developing tray”. Ian’s passion for photography, especially landscapes, is matched only by his love of travel. Having visited the seven continents and over 150 countries, Ian not only records his adventures through the lens of his camera but seeks to capture the mood and emotion far-flung corners of the world evoke. Explaining to an immigration officer why his carry-on contains only a toothbrush and a telephoto lens has occasionally been a challenge, but Ian lives to tell his tale and his images speak for themselves. is not intended to be a professional art portfolio but rather a place for a few friends who have a love of photography and want to showcase our images. We will also share a blog of matters of interest, i.e. snapshots whilst out on a shoot, or information about a particular location we have visited including maps of the area, or perhaps there’ll be a special event that is well worth a visit.
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